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Smirnoff Vodka 70cl
Smirnoff Vodka is a multi-award-winning Russian vodka made from non-GMO corn, triple-distilled and meticulously filtered for clean and pleasant smoothness.
Smirnoff Vodka is a multi-award-winning Russian vodka, an internationally acknowledged classic with an always innovative approach.
Made from non-GMO corn grains, triple-distilled, and ten times charcoal filtered for incredible smoothness.
A clean and pleasant spirit with a velvety mouthfeel and a neutral bouquet, complemented by subtle notes of citrus, flower, charcoal, and spices.
Perfect Serve – Smirnoff Vodka is always the soul of the party. Combine with punches, lemonades, sangria, and a range of sparkling and fruity drinks such as cola, fruit juice, and ginger ale.
Michael –
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Michael –
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